Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Berb Is The Word!

     There's many reasons I like Berbatov. Obviously the first as a new soccer fan, he scored goals when I watched my first matches. As I learned more and more about soccer; however, he's more than a goalscorer. Everything Berbatov does and is supposed to do, he does it perfectly. He's not hot-headed or arrogant. After he is assisted for a goal, he goes directly over to his teammate to thank him. After winning the Bulgarian Football of the year for the 7th time, he asked people to stop voting for him. Why? Because he wants the youth to win it

     I could go on and on citing reasons Berbatov has proved he is a good guy, and why he's a great player. However, most people will still refuse to give into the Berb, even United fans. When will people realize he's great, and is just going to keep getting better?

Everyone know that the Berb is the word.

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